Scooter Drive

Make your own scooter!

The parts you need to build your own scooter are cheap these days. Sure there are cheap kids scooters at the department store, but there are just that, cheap.  Small, hard wheels and probably using lead acid batteries that take 12 hours to charge.

If you can scrounge around and find yourself a good kick scooter worth converting and like playing around building things yourself. There is such an array of high tech components you can purchase online cheap to build something that suits you. And building it yourself is more than half the fun isn’t it?!

Scooter Drive

Print your own drive unit! Download the kit – it includes drawings, instructions and the STL files needed to print the drive. Click above to learn more

The video above is the first video on the blue scooter I built.

The video below is a short one with some footage of it on the move! Also some shots of the 3D model created to print the drive unit.


Below are some photos of a scooter I built, with the help of a 3D printer. I printed different rollers experimenting with different sizes and textures. The rollers and the casing was all done in ABS plastic. The rollers wore out pretty quickly, but were a good way to test the idea. A mould could be made and a Urethane roller cast from the mould.  It could be made of metal too depending on what tools etc. you have available.

One thing it showed was that a direct drive works. This motor has the power and torque to drive a scooter or a bicycle without gearing. Using direct drive a wide range of top speeds are possible depending on the voltage and roller diameter.

Tim Weston Boats
